Archives for November 2011


What is it about Christmas that makes kids try to be “good” and old people act like kids? [Read more…]


I never meant to instigate a fight between my sister and her daughter. Why would I want to do that? Lord knows, when it comes to fighting, they don’t need any help from me. [Read more…]

A few good words . . . .

A friend emailed recently to say he liked the quote I had posted (by Louis L’Amour.) In return, he offered the following quote by Ernest Hemingway, who wrote in “A Farewell to Arms”:

“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places.”

Here’s my question, a two-parter: How is the world breaking you? And how is it making you strong?”


Traditions are like the people who try to keep them: Sooner or later, like it or not, they change. [Read more…]

My daughter and her sweet baby Henry, hand in hand.

On my mind

For several years, off and on, I’ve been working on a novel. [Read more…]


A picture, some say, is worth a thousand words. Especially if it is seen through the eyes of love.
Recently, after Clemson lost its first football game of the year, ending any hopes for an undefeated season, I called my brother in South Carolina to offer my condolences.
He didn’t answer. I wasn’t surprised. He probably wasn’t in much of a talking mood.
Joe is totally blind. He has never seen a football. But saying that he loves the Clemson Tigers is like saying God loves sinners. There is no way to explain it. Love is love. It’s just how it is. [Read more…]

Dragon boy on Halloween

Editor by day and a bass player by heart

My husband is an editor by day and a bass player by heart. Nothing makes him happier than music. One of the perks of living in Las Vegas is the chance to hear a lot of live music.  I can’t begin to name all the people we’ve heard since moving here. OK, I’ll try: Sting, U2, James Taylor, Carol King, Tony Bennett, Rod Stewart, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Al Green, Leonard Cohen, Lyle Lovett, John Hiatt, Van Morrison, BB King, Joe Jackson, Joe Cocker, Paul Simon . . . . Last night, I drove half an hour in the rain (yes, it rains in the desert!) to meet him after he got off work to hear Los Lobos, one of his favorite bands. He was very happy. So happy he didn’t even complain afterwards when we discovered I’d locked my keys in my car. Duh. We had to drive  home in his car to get the spare keys, then back to my car and home again _ and he was still smiling. Have I mentioned he’s a good and patient man? I woke this morning to blues skies and sunshine and _ I wish you could see this _ snow on Mount Charleston! (Yes, it snows in the desert.) Daylight Savings Time ends tonight, so we’ll all set our clocks back (if we don’t forget) and “gain” an hour tomorrow. All of this is to ask two questions: First, what kind of music makes you happy? And what will you do with your “extra hour” of sunshine?

Ask Sharon

I often hear from readers who ask all sorts of questions. Sometimes it’s about me (“Your column wasn’t in my paper today, where the heck are you?”) Other times, it’s about them (“Can you please tell me how to get published/make chicken lasagna/find a man?”) I thought it might be interesting to share with you some of the questions readers ask, along with my answers, and then give you a chance to post your comments. If you’d like to ask a question _ about anything at all _ you can email me directly at Just type “Ask Sharon” in the subject line to let me know it’s OK to post your question (anonymously, of course.) I’ll look forward, as always, to hearing from you.