Recent Works

The World and Then Some
There on the road stood a child. Cora knew her at once. She had her father’s green eyes and her mother’s gorgeous face. Scuffing lines in the dust with the toe of her shoe, the little girl looked up at her. “Ma’am,” she said, “I’m here.”
About the bookFrom the press…
“Sharon Randall’s legion of fans, who’ve appreciated her syndicated news- paper column for, have a new reason to celebrate her talent—her first novel. Talented writers who are also superb storytellers are rare, but Sharon is in that elite club. The World and Then Some is storytelling at its finest.”
Thomas Walton
Retired Editor, Monterey Herald, California
Toledo Blade, Ohio
About the Author

Sharon Randall
Award-winning writer Sharon Randall is a syndicated columnist whose work has been
distributed to more than 400 newspapers and an estimated 6 million readers nationwide.
It also appears quarterly in Carmel Magazine. A frequent speaker for conferences and fundraisers, she receives thousands of letters and emails each year from readers who connect with her stories.
Recent Columns
- “A Cup of Kindness,” Sept. 11, 2024This is not a column. I retired, so I don’t write columns any more.… Read more: “A Cup of Kindness,” Sept. 11, 2024
- “Things We Do for Love,” July 25, 2023NOTE: Last week I posted the eulogy I wrote for my sister, who recently… Read more: “Things We Do for Love,” July 25, 2023
- My Sister’s Eulogy, July 21, 2023NOTE: Many of you knew my sister, if only in my columns. After years… Read more: My Sister’s Eulogy, July 21, 2023
Praise for Sharon
“To hunker down with the works of Sharon Randall is like spending quality time with a poet, and then learning that the poet is the sweetest person on earth.”
Joe Livernois, Editor
Voices of Monterey Bay, www.vomb.org
“Sharon has a way of connecting to readers unlike anyone I have ever known. Her life experiences are expressed in a way that touches your soul.”
Steve Snider, Publisher
Carmel Magazine, California
Sharon makes me feel like I’m a member of the family, so when the joys of life give way to the pain, I never feel alone.”
Mike Konz, Enterprise Editor
Kearney Hub, Nebraska
Sharon writes in the authentic voice of one who knows where people live their lives, the snapshots of joy and the quieter moments to reflect on what it all means. Her writing is full of knowing observations, but beneath it all is a generous and open heart that hears the stories of others. Life is made of moments—a child’s party, a phone call with bad news, a visit with an old friend—and she captures their meaning framed with grace, grit, and hope.
Jeff Fox, Executive Editor, The Examiner, Independence, Missouri
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