The view from my desk at the Lakehouse


  1. marie disselhorst says

    I just discovered this pic…must be a tough place to work…love the view

  2. Betsy Rogers says

    The view from the window is breath taking. Most of the color is gone here in East Tennessee, but it was beautiful while it lasted. I’m so glad Amazon has “Birdbaths” available again. I ordered used ones which were in good repair for my friends. Each one has told me how much they have enjoyed reading it. Of course, they laughted and cryed but loved each story.

    • Sharon Randall says

      Thanks, Betsy, your East Tennessee is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. And thanks, too, for ordering my book! If you’d like me to send you signed bookplates that you can give your friends to paste in the jackets, just send your address to my email ( and I’ll be happy to drop them in the mail. Best to you and your family!

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